
I Like Big Buffets and I Can Not Lie

Like any other furniture painter, I search endlessly for the perfect pieces to bring back to life. I spend more hours than I care to admit looking at buy/sell sites, craigslist, garage sales. When I first started painting, I would grab just about any piece I could get my hands on. As the years have gone by, I tend to focus more on specific pieces now knowing what my buyers are looking for. The down side to buying amazing pieces is the hoarding… errr .. I mean collecting that occurs. Buffets are my weakness. All of them. A few months ago my husband looked around our home and in my shop and asked “Where did all these buffets come from?”. I used my old tried and true response. “Oh honey I’ve had those for months!”. He’s become wise to my ways. I had to fess up and tell him I can’t bring myself to sell them. I was put on lock down. I was told there was now no more room for larger pieces and it was time to slim down my buffet collection. I don’t feel like 5 is too many. Do you? I’ve since sold 3 and maybe one day I’ll let go of the others but for now, I’m happy to have them.

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